Children's Education Abroad, My Community

3 More Backpacks

Just as the Little Known Help Zone backpacks for the 5 new orphans at Hogar de Amor were sent, it was discovered that 3 more children of the ages of 3, 5, and 10 were added to the home!IMG_6383

Little Known Help Zone knew the need to send more was there and went out and purchased items for the three girls. These are on their way to Honduras, with shipping generously provided by DIP shipping. Funding for these backpacks was earned through fundraising efforts from earlier this year.

Check out the new backpacks!


Fundraising, My Community

Buy A Shirt- Support Childhood Education

If you would like to support Little Known Help Zone’s 3 country fundraiser, consider spending $15 to buy a shirt to help those in need in Guatemala. The goal is to raise $360 to send a child to school through shirt purchases! These make perfect gifts and are long sleeved and warm for winter!


Fundraising, My Community

Save Money…Help Others

Are you a coupon lover? Do you want to save extra money on products you already need to purchase?

Now, you can do all that and help others.

Mama Tara orphanage, one of the target orphanages in Little Known Help Zone’s 3 country fundraiser, is partnered with a site called Common Kindness. You can print coupons and help send money to the orphanage!

Follow these easy steps.

1. Go to

2. Search for Mama Tara and click become a supporter

3. Sign up for an account

4. Select you coupons, and boom, 20% of the advertising fees those companies paid goes to the orphanage!

This is a great way for you to help out if you want to send some money and support a good cause, while saving money!